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Protect your mobile phone for free and register it on www.immobilise.com
  • Ensure you keep a record of your phone’s IMEI number in case your phone is stolen.
  • This is a 15 digit unique number which can be obtained by pressing *#06#. Some products may have this on the device or on the original packaging. You will need this information if your phone is lost or stolen.
  • Register your phone for free on www.Immobilise.com. This helps Police to identify you as the rightful owner and return your handset to you if lost or stolen.
  • Use security or PIN locks to protect your data and prevent the phone being used if stolen.
  • When not in use, never leave your phone unattended in a public place or vehicle.
  • Take particular care of your phone at bars, cafes, coffee-shops, restaurants and music venues – thieves are known to target these venues.
  • If using your phone in public, stay alert and be aware of what’s going on around you.
  • Avoid using your mobile phone in public at night. If you do have to use your phone, try to find an area that’s well-lit. Avoid getting your phone out at train stations and bus stops as these are areas that thieves target.
  • Never reply to spam messages you may receive over SMS or Bluetooth, even to text ‘STOP’.
  • Consider installing a tracker application on your Smartphone, it could help trace your device if stolen. If your device is stolen, act quickly – inform the Police and tell them you have a tracker app installed

Published on: 7 October 2015